Monday, January 29, 2007


So last Thursday I did this physics lab where we had to try and make a hologram. Keyword there is try. We were given 6 glass plates that we had to expose to the laser and the object we wanted to make a hologram of. After that we had to process the plates and then we hung the plates up to dry. My partner and I were hoping for at least one to turn out and we got 3 to turn out! *happy dance* One of the things to turn out was my dragon necklace. I was hoping that one would turn out. The others were one of my d20's and a d10 (together), and the other was a very shiny pine cone. Fun, funness. Well thats about it. There really hasn't been much thats been going on here. Oh well. :)

1 comment:

Augie Physics said...

Holograms are awesome (when they turn out :D

Does that make a d30? jk