Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I am an official Augie student again. Yay!!! Now to see how living at home and doing school stuff will work out.
In other news, my harddrive decided to do an impression of a car with no muffler several weeks back. It then died after a sucessful impression. So I am sans a computer of my own with internet. I can use my mother's mac when I need to but...*ick*. I really dislike macs. *I want my right click back. But at least I'm not going through internet withdrawl. So updates will be even more infrequent then before. So I don't think yall will notice much.
Yup, thats about it here.


Augie Physics said...

Yay! Welcome back.

Mom, get Alaina a new computer for Christmas.

More infrequent than two months?? :-(

Alainadragon said...

Ok, so maybe as infrequent as normal. Hey, I should have a new harddrive in less than two months. *I hope* So maybe I'll post more often again. Who knows.
hehe, new computer for Christmas would be nice.