Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Art stuff

First I will begin by answering the question in the last comment, about my poor laptop. In a previous post I described the death of my laptop's harddrive. Well the laptop lives again with a harddrive that is 2 years older than it is. Thank goodness for friends with dead laptops but a good harddrive. So it runs and does what I need and want it to do.

And now on the the real story. Evey year the Rock Island Fine Arts Exhibition takes place in the Art Gallery. Anyone can enter if they live withing 150 miles of the Quad Cities. For the past two years I have worked to set the exhibit up, call people to remind them to enter, tear down the exhibit and so on. This year I did something crazy. I entered the contest myself. Insanity of insanity. Now I hope that at least one of my pieces makes it past the preliminary jurying phase. Once past that I would be almost assured of a place in the exhibit, at that point we only turn stuff down if there is no more room. Then there is the final jurying that picks the winners of the show. I don't that I'll get picked for that, but I really do hope that at least one of my pieces makes it into the show. I will update you regularly about the progress of the show.

The first piece, the one above, is Bright Dreams, Dark Nightmares. The second one, on the left, is Baby Dragon.

1 comment:

Augie Physics said...

I see the exhibition is in April. How soon do you find out if you are in?