Thursday, January 22, 2009

Year in review and pre-view

Neglected my blog again, shame on me.
Its a New Year! The first month is almost gone, its crazy I tell you. So with all New Years there is some reflection on the old year and goals for the new year. So here we go...
Stuff from the old year:
  • Entered the regional art competion that is hosted at Augie. Niether piece made it past the first round of jurying.
  • Got to see the inside of House on the Hill. Painted it and came to hate some of its celings. Why my supervisors thought it was a good idea to have me paint the room with the hightest celing is beyond me.
  • Passed all my classes for my Junior year.
  • Unfortunately because of financial reasons I could not return for my Senior year. So no graduating for me this year.
  • Bought a new battery for my old laptop. Its now a laptop again and not a small, awkward desktop.
  • Got a new laptop after the 1Gb stick of RAM went kaput in the old laptop.
  • I now can replace just about anything in a laptop.
  • Learned how to jump start a car and replace the battery in one.
  • Got a new bike and thus got into some sort of shape riding it to and from work every day.
  • Started looking for a job in October. Still haven't found one.
  • Ended the year kicking my friends butts in Wii bowling while totally smashed and with my pants tied together.

New year looking forward toos and things that I hope will happen:
  • Hopefully will get a job before too much longer.
  • Will finally move out of the house and into an apartment with Blake. *crosses fingers*
  • Never having to put up with living with Becca again. Love you Bec, but your not easy to live with.
  • Go to Cornerstone this summer.
  • Go to Flatcon in the fall and maybe go to a bigger game con.
  • Make some new good memories.
  • Hang out with friends over the summer.
  • Maybe run some game over the summer. Probably not Deadlands again, but hopefully my paranormal campaign that I've been kicking around for a while.
  • Enter the regional art competition again. Maybe I'll make it past the first round of jurying.
Well thats that. Notice how I don't promiss to update more often. I've learned that doesn't work. ;)


quantumberry said...

Put the tall people on the ceilings they can reach, and the short people on the ceilings no one can reach - makes sense to me.

Can you replace keys on a laptop keyboard? Oops!

Does moving in with Blake mean moving away from the QC? *tear

Good luck with the job search - need a rec?

Alainadragon said...

Yup, I can replace those too. The "c" key would randomly pop off at times, so I learned to fix that. :)

Probably not going to move out of the QC. You're probably going to be stuck with me a while longer. :P