Sunday, November 02, 2008

No teeth

So I mentioned in my last post that I was going to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Well on Tuesday I went to the dentist and I got several shots of Novocaine and the dentist went to work removing teeth. I didn't even feel it when the teeth came out. I just felt lots of pressure and heard my teeth make some weird noises. I got to see the 5 teeth that were pulled. It was kind of strange seeing them sitting on the table-thingy when about an hour earlier they were in my mouth. Mom kept them. The holes are pretty much all healed now. They are just a bit tender. The one on the lower left however isn't healing as quickly. So its more than tender but its manageable with asprin. So everything is all good.

1 comment:

quantumberry said...

You need chocolate that melts in your mouth!