Monday, August 27, 2007

The Apocalypse has been put on hold. Please wait.

For those of you who wanted to know how my Deadlands campaign was going here is the post you have been waiting for.
My game is effectively dead. All but 2 of my players are out of town, if not out of the country by now. And in addition to that I won't ever allow one of my friends to ever be a player in any RPG I may run in the future. I included him because he is my friend and I thought it would be enjoyable to sit down and have fun with him and my other friends. But apparently he is off the opinion, and made it perfectly clear to me, that his DS is more important and more fun than anything he could do with his friends. I even asked and told him not to bring his DS to gaming again and yet he did. He was a total ass when we gamed as well. I know I'm not the best GM, I'm still learning, and I may never be that good of a GM. But I will NOT tolerate someone at my table being rude and a complete dick.
I may start my game up again once school starts. There might be some people who will be interested and appreciate the fact that I will run a game for them.

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